17 Year Old Starts $1.9M/Month Trucking Business

But HOW?!

17 Year Old Starts $1.9M/Month Trucking Business

But HOW?!

What is a Trucking Business?

The trucking business is all about transporting goods from one place to another using trucks. Trucking companies handle tasks like loading and unloading cargo, planning routes, and delivering goods safely and on time. It's like being the reliable middleman between businesses that need to move their products

How He Started

To start his trucking business, the 17-year-old, Andrew Gomez, began by conducting thorough research on the trucking industry. He studied market demand, industry regulations, and potential niches. With this knowledge, he created a solid business plan that outlined his goals and strategies.

Tip #1 Find Lucrative Opportunities
One of the challenges in trucking is finding high-paying customers. His first customer was Amazon, which helped kickstart the business. Look for partnerships with established companies or industries that have a consistent demand for transportation services.

Acquiring Equipment

Next, he focused on acquiring the necessary equipment. He carefully researched different truck models, considering factors like fuel efficiency and cargo capacity. After selecting the right truck, he secured financing if needed and made the investment.

Securing Contracts to Make More Money

With his trucks ready, he shifted his attention to building relationships with potential clients. He attended industry events, networked, and showcased his professionalism and reliability. He gained the trust of clients and secured contracts.

Tip #2 Utilize Strategic Locations
Take advantage of trucking yards or parking lots that are available for lease. These spaces can serve as a cost-effective solution for parking your trucks and operating your business. Look for areas that may not be in high demand at the moment but have future development potential.

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