$6M/Year Car Wash Model


$6M/Year Car Wash Model



John D'Eri had this incredible vision when he started Rising Tide Car Wash. His mission was to create an opportunity for his autistic son, Andrew, and other neurodivergent adults who often face challenges finding employment. They not only succeeded in their mission, but they also built a booming business with three locations and a seven-figure revenue!

D'Eris didn't have any prior experience in running a car wash. That's why they made the decision to purchase an existing struggling car wash business instead of starting from scratch. Their dedication and innovative approach have created a model that not only generates financial success but also promotes inclusivity and empowers those who are often overlooked by traditional employers.

How John D'Eri Started

First, he found a car washing partner in Sonny's Enterprises, which provides the equipment. Then, they used a training platform called Car Wash College to teach them the fundamentals of the business.

Initial Costs

  • Equipment for one car wash is around a million dollar.

  • The building itself is about two million dollars.

  • The Site Development Cost is around $200,000.

  • All together one Car Wash could be just under $5 million.

What most Car Wash operators do, especially when you're just starting, is use a SBA financing. This way you might be able to do it for half a million dollars in liquid capital.

SBA Loans - Business loans with more favorable terms.

As a new business owner, you're able to access about 80% of the total project cost. This can vary a little bit depending on how comfortable they are with you as an operator.

Tip #1
It's really important to find a bank that's comfortable with car washes. The bank they worked with was Paradise Bank because they do car wash deals all the time and they understand location.

How To Grow The Business

Once the quality improved and their reputation grew in the community, more people started to come and their business started to take off. Then, they were on Nightly News and were able to share their business with a big audience. That’s when their story was heard by multiple people and their business became more attractive.

They designed a system called the Money Mat, which organizes the cash. This helped them evaluate formulas quicker and more efficiently. It's easy to track the whole process visually through the system.

The takeaway from this for other entrepreneurs is if you have a system that a lot of different people are using on a daily basis, it's really important to make that system as clear as possible. Work with your team members who feel like they struggle the most with these things. Whoever is struggling the most, that's the person you need to design the system for because if it works for them, then it will likely work for the rest of the team.

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