Apply These Habits To Get Rich

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Apply These 5 Habits To Get Rich

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1. Believe You Are Special

This doesn’t mean think you are better than everybody else, but understand you have the power to achieve more than others because you put in the work and are more determined. 

Always seek for ways to improve, and believe that there is always something else out there to accomplish. Put in the hours and dedication towards achieving your goals.

2. Develop a High Stress Tolerance

To succeed in every aspect of life, you will need to have a high stress tolerance. There are going to be challenges, but you will need to learn how to push through the obstacles.

It will be stressful, painful, and it might create some mental health issues but that is all part of putting in the effort to succeed. You can’t expect to achieve your goal and it not be difficult. If it were that easy, everyone would do it.

Your stress tolerance will progress overtime. The more experience you have the stronger you will become when it comes to building your stress tolerance.

3. Ability To Persuade

People like to listen to people who carry themselves a certain way.

Learn Charisma

Whether you're trying to land a high income career, get businesses to sign deals, or you're trying to be charismatic in order to inspire people to work for you, you need to learn persuasion.

Tip #1 How To Be Charismatic

  • Listen way more than you talk.

  • Always give before you receive -- knowing you may never receive.

  • Don't act self-important.

  • Shine the spotlight on others.

  • Choose your attitude and your words carefully.

4. Focus On Mastery Not Passion

The things you are passionate about today might not be what you’re passionate about in the future. Instead of focusing on what you are passionate about, find something you are interested in and become a master at it. 

What you commit to today, you will still be a master at in 30 years. When you are very good at something, you always enjoy it because you understand how much effort you put into it.

Tip #5 Have An Ego
People always say having an ego is bad, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have an ego at all. As long as you put yourself through difficult situations where life continuously humbles you, then your ego will stay in check. Ego is what pushes people to excellence.

5. Risk Awareness

Instead of focusing on everything going right and imagining yourself with luxury items, focus on what you would do when things get difficult. 

Its never going to be easy, so you have to prepare yourself for it to be difficult. You only get one chance per day.

Always think about what can go wrong, so you can prepare yourself for how you will handle it. Always thinking ahead and about what could go wrong, forces you to become a problem solver and see different perspectives.

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