Buy Borrow Die - How to Pay 0% Taxes

The game of money is rigged and here's how to win | 2 Min read

Buy Borrow Die

The game of money is rigged, and here's how to win

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How the rich take advantage of the tax system

Buy, borrow, die is a strategy the wealthy have used for years and is essentially a loop hole in the system to not have to pay taxes. Well uncover the basics of this strategy and how you can can take advantage of it as well.


Step #1 involves buying an asset. An investor would buy an asset most commonly stocks, real estate, and sometimes businesses.


After buying one of following assets the investor would then take a loan against the asset. Often banks will loan up to 80% of the assets.

After borrowing against that asset they would then take that money and invest it into other assets. The benefit of borrowing is that the investor gets instant tax free money to allocate anywhere they want while not having to sell any thing.


The final step is after passing away those remaining assets then get passed along to their following heirs.

After passing away the assets most likely have grown in value over time and the remaining debt can then be paid by once again borrowing against the asset as it has grew in value, or the heirs can choose to sell the asset and use what’s called a 1031 exchange rolling the debt over into the next property.

They repeat this cycle never paying taxes, and this is why you see people like Elon musk and Jeff Bezos accumulating billions dollars in debt against their assets paying zero dollars in taxes.

1031 Exchange
This allows you to sell your property and roll those taxes you would have paid into the next property.