Cheap Purchases To Boost Productivity

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Cheap Purchases To Boost Productivity

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Bullet Journal

Start by getting any journal for under $20 and then follow the bullet journal method. There's a great book by Ryder Carroll called "The Bullet Journal Method" that explains it well, or you can find helpful videos on YouTube.

Bullet journaling is not just about being organized, it's also a mindfulness system in disguise. It helps you be more intentional with your time and encourages gratitude. By setting daily priorities and tracking your progress, you'll make sure to focus on what really matters to you.

It helps you stay organized and focused. By setting clear financial goals, tracking expenses, and creating a budget, you can better manage your money and make informed financial decisions. By regularly reviewing your financial decisions and learning from them, you can make smarter choices moving forward. Additionally, the act of journaling helps you stay accountable to your goals and motivates you to take action, whether it's exploring side hustles or acquiring new skills.

Magic Whiteboard

A magic whiteboard is like a long sheet of cling film-like material that you can easily rip off and stick on the wall. It magically stays in place with static electricity. It's great for brainstorming and jotting down ideas.

By having this whiteboard, you can visually see your progress, cross things off your list, and brainstorm freely. It helps you stay organized and focused on your goals, which ultimately leads to increased productivity. Plus, the act of physically writing things down can enhance your memory and creativity. And when you're more productive, you have more time and energy to invest in money-making activities.

Sticky Notes
They may seem like a small thing, but they can have a big impact on productivity. You can use sticky notes to remind yourself of tasks and to create a to-do list. First, you can stick a note on your monitor or wherever you'll see it frequently. This keeps important tasks top of mind and helps you stay focused on what needs to be done. It's a great way to prioritize your work and make sure nothing slips through the cracks. You can use them to brainstorm new money-making strategies, write down potential clients or business opportunities, or even track your progress towards financial goals. Having these visual reminders right in front of you can keep you motivated and help you take action.


An in-tray is like a designated spot where you can place physical papers that need your attention. It's a way to keep your desk organized and prevent it from becoming cluttered with random papers. By having an in-tray, you can easily see what tasks or actions you need to take care of.

For example, let's say you have a letter about your driving license and an electricity bill that you need to address. Instead of having these papers scattered on your desk, you can place them in your in-tray. This way, you have a clear visual reminder of what needs to be done. You'll be able to tackle tasks efficiently and avoid the stress of searching for important papers.

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