How To Get SO Rich You Question The Meaning Of Making Money

Achieve Wealth Beyond Measure

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How To Get SO Rich You Question The Meaning Of Making Money

Achieve Wealth Beyond Measure

What is Work?

Work = Outputs

Outputs = Volume x Leverage

Work Rate = (Volume x Leverage) / Time

If you want to outwork your competition, you need to out leverage them.

How To Make More Money

To make more money you need to get more for your time and have more leverage.

We all trade time for money. For example, you spend time every second of your life, and you receive money over that time. So money divided by time equals rate of output.

 Leverage = the difference between what you put in and what you get out.

What Not To Do

  1. Try and do lots of different things instead of mastering one thing.

  2. Do things for a short period of time.

  3. Not get help from others.

  4. Make all the mistakes on your own and not learn from others.

  5. Repeat mistakes

  6. Never change

Flip the Switch (What To Do)

  1. Master one thing.

  2. Do it for a long period of time.

  3. Get help from others.

  4. Observe others

  5. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them.

  6. Challenge your beliefs and constantly grow.

An ordinary business done for extraordinary time, creates extraordinary results.

Why Better Is The Way

If you do it better, you get more for what you put in. That is Leverage.

Better comes from boring. It comes from everything you know you should do but aren’t.

Imagine you make a list of everything you should be doing but aren’t for your business. The reason this is so important is because you already know what you need to do. Many people know what to do and don't want to confront it because they want to do something more exciting, but your business doesn't care.

Better is boring. Better gets you more for what you put in. Better is leverage.

When you focus on one thing you make it unreasonable to fail.

What Boring but Better looks like

  • Split testing landing pages, not once, but weekly.

  • Split testing emails, not once, but weekly.

  • Making new ads/creative, not when you have to, but before you need them.

  • Role playing with sales team, not once, but daily.

  • Taking more time to make your lead magnet better.

  • Make your offer better and better.

All these things are boring but make you more money. Doing all the tasks that you aren't doing, but know you should, is the secret to success.

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