How this guy makes $700K with Vending Machines

This weeks Blueprint Friday dives into how this entrepreneurs vending machine business makes $700k a year

Blueprint Friday

This Vending Machine Business Makes $700k a Year

Here’s how Adam Hill was able to start a vending machine business working just 2 days a week that now makes over $700K a year and how you can too.

The Basics

The basic concept of this business is to buy a vending machine along with inventory in bulk, such as chips, drinks, candy, energy drinks, etc. Find a desired high traffic location, this can be a college, gym, store, there are many options. Often you might have to negotiate a small fee with the owner. Then as traffic begins to come through you sell each product at at least a 100% markup. Overtime you accumulate and scale this business to collect your profits and restock your machines once a week!

How Much Vending Machines can make

The amount you can make from one machine varies widely based on the products you sell and the location you place your vending machine. On average you can expect to make from $500 to upwards of $1,500 per Machine.

Average Price for a Machine
The average price for a machine is around $5,000 New and $2,500 Used

50/30/30 Rule

A good rule of thumb to follow for this business is the 50/30/20 rule is where 50% of your income goes to product. 30% goes to profit/ employees, and 20% goes to expenses such as gas, credit card fees, etc.