Innovation in Business

Thinking Outside the Box for Success

Innovation in Business

Thinking Outside the Box for Success

Top Six Innovation Secrets

  1. Make meaning, not money - determine how you can make meaning. How can you change the world?

  2.  Make a mantra, not mission - A two to four word explanation of why your meaning should exist.

  3. Roll the DICEE - Creating something that's deep, intelligent, complete, empowering, and elegant.

  4. Polarize people - Great products, great services, great innovation polarizes people.

  5. Churn baby, churn - Take version 1 and make version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.0. Ignore the people that say it can’t be done. Change, change, and keep evolving.

  6. Perfect your Pitch - Two key points about pitching:

    1. Customize your introduction to the audience.

    2. The optimal number of slides for your presentation is 10 slides, and it should be presented in 20 minutes.

Learn from Failures

Treat failures as learning opportunities, analyze the causes, and make improvements.

Seek Inspiration from Diverse Sources

Explore different industries, attend conferences, and encourage hobbies. This exposure to diverse perspectives and ideas can spark creativity.

Tip #1 Ways to Spark Creativity

  1. Collaborate with others

  2. Challenge your assumptions

  3. Work in new environments

Open Communication

Create channels for idea-sharing and provide opportunities for team members to contribute. Create channels for idea-sharing, such as regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, or online platforms.

Celebrate Successes

Recognize and celebrate innovative achievements to motivate and inspire the team. This can be through public recognition, rewards, or team celebrations.

Excited Season 2 GIF by The Office

Gif by theoffice on Giphy

Invest in Ongoing Learning

Provide resources for professional development, such as training programs, workshops, or access to industry-related materials. Encourage employees to stay updated on industry trends and new technologies.

Online Learning Resources for Businesses:

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