Middle Class Habits Keeping You Broke

In 2024

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Middle Class Habits Keeping You Broke

In 2024

1. No School Nights

When it comes to making a significant amount of money, it often requires saying "no" to a lot of things. The more money you start making, the more opportunities and offers come your way.

It can be challenging to turn them down, but instead of outright saying "no," you can say "not right now, I'm in build mode." It's like treating every night as if it's exam night, where you stay focused and prioritize what's going to happen the next day because you know that day matters the most.

If you have your sights set on reaching the eight-figure realm, it's important to be selective and choose the opportunities that align with your goals.

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2. Hold The Standards High

Don’t strive to be liked. Strive to be respected and win.

The business world is a competitive game. Your biggest rival is actually your future, younger self. If you spend all your time trying to please everyone and seeking their approval, you'll find it difficult to achieve anything.

When it comes to receiving feedback, it's important to embrace intensity. This way, you always have something to strive for and areas to improve upon. Use feedback as fuel for your growth and progress.


3. Wake Up Early
Waking up at 5:30 or around that time is like a secret hack that can solve about 99.9% of problems. That's probably why you hear about it so much!

When you wake up early, you gain a head start on the day, and it's a definite win. It's so much easier to accomplish tasks when you tackle them early in the day. There's something truly beautiful about being able to check things off your to-do list before the rest of the world even wakes up. By doing so, you're already ahead and have a half day's work completed. It's like having an extra advantage of more time compared to others.

4. Protect Your Time

It's about being easy to find but hard to reach, just like someone who's all over the Internet but they won’t answer the phone if you called. By having control over your schedule and attention, you get to decide how your time is spent.

The Pomodoro Technique is where you stay focused on a task for 20 minutes at a time. This technique shows you just how much you can accomplish in those 20 minutes. It's like unlocking the potential of every precious second and treating your time as something truly valuable. When you start valuing your own time, others will follow suit and recognize its importance. So, keep making every moment count and watch as others start appreciating the value of your time too.

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