The Mindset That Makes Him $20M/Year

From Football To Business Owner

The Mindset That Makes Him $20M/Year

From Football To Business Owner


Jeremy Hills used to be a star running back for the Texas Longhorns, but unfortunately, his career got cut short due to an injury. Instead of letting that setback bring him down, Jeremy became a serial entrepreneur. He started up successful businesses in different areas and now he's making a whopping $20 million a year.

One of his ventures is called Kollective. It's not your average gym. Kollective is a game-changer. It's a social performance club based in Austin, Texas that combines fitness with work-life balance. Think of it like a fancy hotel or spa, but with all the fitness amenities you could ever dream of. It's a unique concept that lets you boost your productivity and health all in one place.

How He Started

Getting Kollective off the ground wasn't a one-person show. He had to gather the funds from various sources. It took around two million dollars to really get things going.

Starting a business involves a lot of costs, especially when you're aiming to deliver a unique experience like Kollective. Jeremy and his team faced the challenge of not having any money coming in while trying to create this amazing experience. It was a tough situation, but they didn't let that stop them.

They worked with what they had, which was Jeremy's eight years of experience in the city. That experience helped him build connections and relationships that eventually helped in securing the necessary funds.

So, the key takeaway here is that even if you don't have a lot of money, you can still make things happen by leveraging your skills, experience, and the relationships you've built. It's all about being resourceful and finding creative ways to bring your ideas to life.

You don't have to wait until everything is perfect or until you have all the resources in place. Instead, you use what you have and start building. Success doesn't always require a lot of money or resources upfront. Sometimes, it's about taking that first step and being resourceful with what you already have. So, don't let the idea of needing a lot of money hold you back. Start with what you have and keep building from there. Every castle was once built by someone who took that first step, regardless of their financial situation.

How The Business Grew

There are three key points that Jeremy mentions when growing your business. First, you need to understand the size of the problem you're solving. How many people care about it and what's the potential return on investment? This helps you gauge the market demand and potential profitability.

Secondly, you need to showcase why your method and team are the right fit for solving this problem. Tell a compelling story in your pitch that highlights your expertise and why you're the best solution.

Lastly, do your research on the investor you're approaching. Understand their interests, previous investments, and any personal connections they might have to your cause. This will help you tailor your pitch and show them why they should be interested in partnering with you beyond just providing capital.

For More Watch

Kollective - Check out Kollective online


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