STOP These Habits

If You Want To Make Money

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STOP These Habits

If You Want To Make Money

Fear of Embarrassment

These days people don't really care about failure as much as they used to. Businesses come and go, and people understand that failure is just part of the journey. Embarrassment is something no one wants to experience because it feels like it lasts forever.

Here's the thing: your fear of being embarrassed is actually holding you back from reaching your full potential. It's stopping you from taking risks and seizing opportunities. You see yourself as an imposter, doubting your abilities to start a business or excel in your career. Embracing failure, even in the form of potential embarrassment, is a stepping stone to success.

Think of it this way: every time you fail or face potential embarrassment, you're actually learning and growing. Those failures become battle scars, proof that you've taken risks and tried.

Stop Giving Your Money Away to Taxes

The secret is out at Nomad Capitalist Live 2024. It’s not about earning more, it’s about what you keep. If the thought of handing over less to the taxman sounds good, you’ll want in on this. We’re sharing the playbook the wealthy use.

Adapt or Die

Sticking to the same routine every day might feel comfortable, but it won't lead to financial success. To make the most money and reach your full potential, it's crucial to have an adaptable mindset. Being flexible and open to change is key.

Instead of expecting everything to be handed to you, embrace the idea of adapting and evolving. The market, competition, and circumstances are constantly changing, and if you can't adapt, you'll get left behind. By anticipating adversity and pivoting ahead of everyone else, you become a change maker, not just someone who reacts to challenging times. Use tools and resources to continually improve yourself and stay ahead of the game.

Here's the deal: you can't steer the ship and row it at the same time. As a CEO or business owner, your role is to steer the ship, not control every single detail. To make serious money, you need to learn to delegate, leverage, and trust in the abilities of others. It's not about giving up control, but rather using your talents to harness the talents of others. When you combine your strengths with the strengths of your team, you create something truly remarkable. Remember, companies are built by people, not just products. So, prioritize people before profits and watch your success grow.


Break the habit of waiting for inspiration to find you. Instead, actively seek out inspiration and make a concerted effort to find ideas that can help you make a change, pivot, and be adaptable. Innovation lies outside of your comfort bubble, so it's important to embrace discomfort and step outside of that safe circle.

Surrounding yourself with people who make you better is also key. They can inspire you, challenge you, and help you grow. And don't let fear hold you back. Use it as fuel to propel you forward. Just like gasoline powers an airplane, fear can be harnessed to drive you towards your goals and take you wherever you want to go. The possibilities in today's market are endless, so let go of the fear and embrace the excitement of the unknown.


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